At Binghamton, he heads the VirtuOSNet Group (Virtualization, Operating Systems and Networks) where he enjoys working with a highly talented group of students. His group works on computer systems in general, including cool new ways to build and use virtual machines, containers, and hypervisors for cloud platforms, exploring their security, performance, and functionality improvements. Some recent projects explore virtualization for bare-metal cloud, live replacement of hypervisors, live migration, and confidential VMs.
He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service, Watson School Recognition Award for Outstanding Research Achievement, Watson College Recognition Award for Outstanding Faculty Service, Computer Science Educator of the Year Award (2022), and IEEE TCC Editorial Excellence and Eminence Award. He serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing and IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He has authored over 80 publications and received 20 US patents. Earlier, he served as the Associate Chair for Research and Graduate Programs in the School of Computing at Binghamton University, Assistant Professor at Florida State University, Lead Architect and Developer at Rether Networks Inc., and Senior Software Engineer at Wipro Global R&D.